
How can I remove an old computer?

You can delete a computer through the web portal - this stops the Ybackup account from working on...

How can I restore my backed up files?

You can restore backed up individual files using the web portal. Go to the Backup tab,...

How can I schedule scanning? How can I set Ybackup to scan my computer in real-time?

To change the way Ybackup scans for changes:Open the Ybackup 'Manage Backups' window and click on...

How can I stop the Ybackup client?

You can stop the Ybackup client from within the Ybackup control panel. In the 'Accounts' tab...

How can I view or edit documents through the web portal?

You can view supported documents from the Backup or Briefcase, however you can only edit...

How do I enable encryption in the client?

To enable encryption in the client go to the Bandwidth tab in the Ybackup control panel and put a...

How do I password protect Ybackup?

You cannot password protect Ybackup, however the client only runs on your computer after you have...

How do I use the restore client?

To use the restore client:On a Windows PC:Go to the 'Account Settings' part of the web portal,...

Why isn't Ybackup backing up files? Why is the number in the Status screen just going up?

The Ybackup software goes through several stages when backing up your computer:1) A scan for new...

Can I back up my entire drive?

Ybackup is not designed to backup system or program files, only your personal documents and data....

Can I backup external/USB hard drives?

You can use Ybackup Backup with external USB drives as long as they retain the same drive letter...

Can I stop a backup halfway through?

Once a scan is initiated on Ybackup, it has to complete and upload all files before changes to...

Changing the files/folders that are backed up in Ybackup Backup

To add a folder to the backup selection:On a Windows PC:Right click on a folder and choose...

How can I backup my emails?

Most email clients store the emails in a file or folder. If you know where this is you can simply...

How can I get to the "Manage Backup" screen?

There are many ways to get to the "Manage Backup" screen:On a Windows PC:1) Right click the...

How can I recover a previous version of a file?

Ybackup keeps up to 30 versions of a file and you can restore any of these versions at any...

How can I run Ybackup with multiple Windows User accounts?

You can use Ybackup on a Windows computer, with multiple users, in two different ways:1) One...

How can I show/remove the icon overlay for backed up files?

To change whether you have an icon overlay for files selected for backup open the Ybackup 'Manage...

How can I tell what the Ybackup software is doing?

You can see the current Status of Ybackup:On a Windows PC:Right click the Ybackup icon next to...

How do I backup my Outlook .PST files?

To backup your Outlook PST file to Ybackup you must add the folder where the PST file is to your...

How do I change the Bandwidth settings? How can I improve web browsing speed while using Ybackup?

To modify the Bandwidth Ybackup uses please launch the Ybackup control panel and click on the...

How do I force a Backup scan to start manually?

You can start a Backup scan manually as follows:On a Windows PC:Right click the Ybackup icon next...

How do I recover a deleted file?

If you delete a file or folder that was been backed up, or stored in the Briefcase, it can be...

How do I remove data from Ybackup Backup?

You can remove individual items from your backup by deleting the files from your machine, or by...

The Ybackup client is unable to connect to server

The Ybackup software uses ports 50234 and 50235, and our servers have IP addresses in the ranges...

Which operating systems are supported?

The Ybackup client is supported on multiple operating systems:Windows XP and aboveWindows Server...

Why are files showing as re-queued? Why are files showing as aborted? Why are files showing as deleting?

Re-queuing files:If a file cannot be uploaded for any particular reason the file gets re-queued...

Why do I have two computers with the same name in the Backup? How do I merge backup sets?

When you reinstall Ybackup on a new computer, or after re-installing the OS, or after completely...