
How do I change the Bandwidth settings? How can I improve web browsing speed while using Ybackup?

To modify the Bandwidth Ybackup uses please launch the Ybackup control panel and click on the...

How do I password protect Ybackup?

You cannot password protect Ybackup, however the client only runs on your computer after you have...

How secure or safe is Ybackup?

Data stored on your Ybackup is backed up on to multiple storage servers at our data centres in...

What do I do if the Status window shows an error in Windows?

This is an issue relating only to the display of the Status window, and does not affect any...

Where can I get the software? How do I get updates?

The Ybackup software is available for Windows and Mac computers.You can download the software...

Why doesn't Ybackup do anything overnight? Can Ybackup work when my computer is off?

The Ybackup software can only run on your machine when it is turned on. It won't work when the...

Can I run multiple Ybackup accounts on one machine?

You can set up your client to connect to, and switch between, different Ybackup accounts using...

How can I stop the Ybackup client?

You can stop the Ybackup client from within the Ybackup control panel. In the 'Accounts' tab...

How can I tell what the Ybackup software is doing?

You can see the current Status of Ybackup:On a Windows PC:Right click the Ybackup icon next to...

How do I enable encryption in the client?

To enable encryption in the client go to the Bandwidth tab in the Ybackup control panel and put a...

How do I install Ybackup on another machine?

You can download the software from the web portal to any machine.You may need to add...

How do I recover a deleted file?

If you delete a file or folder that was been backed up, or stored in the Briefcase, it can be...

How do I run an integrity check?

To run an integrity check open your Ybackup control panel and go to the 'Advanced' tab. Select...

The Ybackup client is unable to connect to server

The Ybackup software uses ports 50234 and 50235, and our servers have IP addresses in the ranges...

What is de-duplication?

Ybackup gives each file a 'hash' which is essentially its own fingerprint.When you select a file...

Where is the ybackup Control Panel?

To open the Ybackup control panel on a Windows PC:If Ybackup is not running:Click on Start ->...

Which operating systems are supported?

The Ybackup client is supported on multiple operating systems:Windows XP and aboveWindows Server...

Why are files showing as re-queued? Why are files showing as aborted? Why are files showing as deleting?

Re-queuing files:If a file cannot be uploaded for any particular reason the file gets re-queued...

Why are my uploads so slow?

The time it takes to upload a file is dependent on the upload speed of your connection - we do...